Assignment 3, part 2: OpenOffice Writer Styles

This is an individual assignment. You are encouraged to get together and help each other, but each student must submit her or his own file. Some of you may struggle with this assignment, so give yourself plenty of time to complete it.

Before you begin:

  • Read about OpenOffice at "Why OpenOffice?"
  • If you choose, download and install the OpenOffice Suite
  • Read pages 1 and 2 of "Introduction to Styles" (if the .pdf file isn't working, try the html)
    • Skim the rest of the document. You may need to refer back to it to complete your assignment.

Download the Assignment 3 file, save it to your C drive, and open it in OpenOffice Writer. This file consists of excerpts from a memo. In this assignment, you will create and assign word-processing styles to various items in the memo.

Create the following styles with the following attributes listed below.

YourFirstName Title Heading:

  • Tahoma, bold, 18 point
  • 0.18” line spacing before (above the heading)
  • 0.08” point line spacing after (below the heading)

YourFirstName Heading 1:
  • Arial, bold, 16 point
  • 0.40” line spacing before (above the heading)
  • 0.10” point line spacing after (below the heading)
  • 1.00 point 40% gray border below heading

YourFirstName BodyText 1:
  • Times New Roman, 12 point
  • 0.30” indent before text

YourFirstName Heading 2:
  • Arial, bold, 14 point
  • 0.50” indent before text
  • 0.18” line spacing before (above the heading)
  • 0.03” point line spacing after (below the heading)

YourFirstName BodyText 2:
  • Times New Roman, 12 point
  • 0.80” indent before text

Next, assign the following styles to the following portions of the memo excerpts:

Title Heading :

  • Memorandum

Heading 1:

  • Summary
  • Decision to Use Plagiarism Service
  • Recommendation - Trial Use


  • The Nature of the Plagiarism Problem
  • Possible Solutions to t he Problem of Plagiarism
  • Using the Plagiarism-Checking Service
  • Not Using the Plagiarism-Checking Service

BodyText 1:

  • Plagiarism is a problem...
  • In the Student Bill...
  • Our conclusion is...

BodyText 2:

  • The Internet has made...
  • There are essentially...
  • According to the Student....
  • Now let's consider...

When you have finished, your pages should look like this. When I grade your file, I will look to see that you created the styles correctly and applied them correctly. Simply formatting the file like the example will not earn you points--you must use styles.

(Note: the default file format of OpenOffice is .odt. Generally, I will ask you to save as a .doc file. File > Save as > select .doc from the dropdown menu.)

Save and upload your file.

Save as a .doc file as filename "A3_LastName" and submit to Blackboard > Upload A3 Part 2. Upload by class time on the date indicated on the schedule.

OpenOffice Note: The styles that you created for A3 will not be available when you create a new file. If you want to use those styles again, save your file as a template (File > Template > Save). When you want to create a new document using that template, go to File > New > Templates and Documents and select your template.








