Aug 252015

Hey everyone! My name is Cailley. I completed my undergrad in English from Central Michigan University. CMU was a great school but I was desperate to get away from the Michigan winters. Imagine walking to class when it is -20 degrees with a -45 degree wind chill. (If you can’t imagine what that is like then you should consider yourself lucky!)  Long story short I wound up at FAU! I am working on my English M.A. with a concentration in Science Fiction.

I’m totally a sci/fi fantasy nerd. I’m most interested in technological/cyber-y types of fiction, but I love anything with a social/cultural/political undertone. Two of my (current) favorite books are China Mieville’s Perdido Street Station and Margaret Atwood’s The Handmaid’s Tale. I also love to travel and see the world. There isn’t a place on this earth that I don’t want to see. This summer I spent 62 days travelling around Indonesia and it was scary, exciting, horrifying, beautiful, painful, and sometimes frustrating but it was definitely life changing.


  3 Responses to “Hello!”

  1. I read the Handmaid’s Tale last fall for a dystopia class. It’s fantastic! Did you know that HBO is currently working on turning one of her series into a TV show?

  2. “I was desperate to get away from the Michigan winters. Imagine walking to class when it is -20 degrees with a -45 degree wind chill.”

    Hello fellow northerner and hater-of-winter! I grew up in Pittsburgh, went to undergrad a few hours west, graduated, came to Florida, and never looked back. COLD SUCKS.

    People ask me if I miss “the seasons.”

    Potential Response #1: “HELL no.”
    Potential Response #2: “We have seasons in Florida… we have tree frog season, love bug season, and those two weeks in January when it’s a little chilly.” :)

    Also, as a native Pittsburgher, I take umbrage with the idea that “CMU” is Central Michigan U. It’s Carnegie Mellon U where I’m from. I believe this means we have to fight, right? :) I challenge you to a poetry slam!!! (not really… I suck at poetry).

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