Aug 262015

this is a test post, eh? alright then, seems to be working quite well so far. although, changing my password proved troublesome as I have no patience for learning new technology––but, mission accomplished nevertheless!

who: anthony
what: humanoid
when: 1990
where: new york
why: …..

I am currently listening to Mr. John Coltrane’s Ballads as I write this little intro in between finishing the countless readings for class today. And I have to say I agree with him: we are too young to go steady, ENC 6700!

Who else calls bullshit when they say “you’ll get used to the heat”?

….I hope this wasn’t supposed to be formal….

  One Response to “Better Late than Never, I Always (Have to) Say”

  1. I was going to call my post “(Always) Late to the Party” but then I decided I shouldn’t put that particular self-fulfilling prophecy out there like that.

    You do get used to the heat. You might not like it, but you will get used to it.

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