Aug 272015

My name is Chris.  I am from Florida, and I am a man.
“Florida man goes to ridiculous lengths to prevent his car from being towed”
As such, I have accepted the stigma of my demographic.
“Florida man run over by Facebook lover who refused to let him drive grandmother’s truck”
I may not always embrace the associated epithets.
“Florida man has admitted his role in the trade of 59 illegally caught wild snakes, including a live rattler mailed to him in a coffee can”
And I don’t think Florida is for everyone.
“Florida man stabbed cat after it threw up, deputies say”
But I do feel a certain sense pride about my people.
“Florida man interrupts weather report by catching fish in street with bare hands”
Us Floridians.

  2 Responses to “Florida man…”

  1. Well I just spent an hour watching that when I probably should’ve been reading.

    Good times.

  2. “Florida Man.” Worst. Superhero. Ever.

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