Sep 042015

Paulo Freire’s “Banking” concept explains the difficulties I have been facing with my ENC 1101 students. They have been the depositories in high school. They were told how to write an essay; the hamburger model etc. But now, they are in college and have been suddenly told that they must ask questions and engage with the material that they are studying. The syllabus gives them the freedom to explore their own critical thinking process but it is an extremely difficult for them to understand the concept of critical thinking.


And this is where I feel twisted right now; in an effort to explain ‘how’ to think, are we not using the banking method? Relying on the workbook, exercises etc. to show them the way of thinking? I am talking, and they are listening and following. . .Maybe this makes sense, maybe not. I just wanted to put this out here.

Also, I was reminded of an Indian saint, Adi Shankara, who attacked a teacher at a Gurukul because the teacher was making the students repeat shlokas without explaining the meaning. His shloka, Bhaja Govindam (Pray to Govind), talks about the inanity of learning pointless rules when one could be spending that time praying to God.

I am not religious, but I read a lot of Hindu scriptures while growing up and this reading reminded me of this story. Just thought I’d share it with everyone.

Over and out. May the force be with you.

 Posted by at 9:00 am
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