Sep 222015
8 am take tow

8 am class

If you place a computer in front of the student in the illustration above, and a cellphone vibrating on the desk you’d have an idea of what my 8A classes look like. Since the first day of class countless GTA’s have warned me to keep my expectations of interaction low when dealing with Early Morning Freshmen. I, the Murray of optimism, knew that couldn’t be true.  I knew that several consecutive weeks of echoed silence were a just a fluke (flukes)(if it keeps happening I guess its not a fluke at all but you know what I mean). I shared my growing frustration during colloquium and my classmate offered a simple technique she used to rouse her students (hey Stephanie!). While taking attendance she asks each student a question they can’t answer with a yes or no. Questions like their favorite color, movie do the trick. I tried this method and here’s what happened:

8 am take tow

They responded to me! They all answered questions and even went so far as to ask if they could direct the questions to each other! I was so excited and completely surprised by the effectiveness of such a minor questions. Anyway, in regards to praxis. The excitement that students had gained did not waiver, mine either by the way. We discussed some global paper issues with increased energy and I saw a significant increase in class participation. I highly recommend employing some of these questions, and letting students help.

Drawbacks: If you’re like me, and choose to ask some students why, the activity can be time consuming.

 Posted by at 12:59 pm

  One Response to “But They Won’t Talk To Me”

  1. I think this is great idea. By establishing a more engaged atmosphere in the beginning of class, I bet students remain responsive throughout class.

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