Nov 062015

On Twitter, I follow an adjunct professor from my alma mater, Kutztown University. Recently (actually, always!) she has posted some pretty eye-opening stuff about the way adjunct faculty are treated by major (and not-so-major) universities, both generally and in comparison to full-time faculty. Campus Equity Week is a yearly attempt to call attention to inequities by encouraging faculty to perform numerous activities to draw attention to the plight of the adjunct. This awareness campaign feels particularly relevant right now as our ENC 1101 students are debating the relative merits of social movements.

One “post-ac,” Joe Fruscione, “Storified” his tweets from that week, a process that involves using a third-party website to organize pertinent tweets into a story/timeline. He writes that though “it’s been over a year since [he] left academia for a career as a freelance editor and stay-at-home dad. . .[he has] thoughts about higher ed and adjuncting, which #CEW2015 has brought to the fore.”

I thought that after our discussion tonight regarding the usefulness of a grad writing course focused outside of the academy, and after many discussions about the state of the university in general, this might be interesting to some of you.

 Posted by at 8:49 pm
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