Dec 082015

So, after our discussion about the absence of language, the origin of memory, and the like, I kept mulling over this in my head. It was a fascinating discussion that lead me to unusual places. For example, if we use the example of the man without any memories before language discussed in the Word podcast, then how to we determine what is life? If we view people as truly becoming human at the birth of knowledge and understanding and language represents said birth, then do we qualify babies as living humans before language? I mean sure it breathes and lives; it has biological life. But in essence, babies are piles of flesh that have biological functions. However, they still learn. But, primates can learn how to use tools, but we as a population do not consider them to be human. If it takes language to create the things we associate with humanity, then what are babies before language?

Yes, I’m aware that goes into an odd twist of thought; however, it was spawned from one of my students discussing abortion in one of their essays. Nevertheless, the mind did go there, and I feel like it has created this weird web of thought where I can’t personally check it against other threads in my mind. Racing, so to speak.



 Posted by at 4:29 pm
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